Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a transformative process between you and a skilled therapist. In this confidential setting, your therapist will provide a supportive environment to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.  With your therapist serving as a trusted ally, they will help you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and purpose.

Couples Therapy

Couple’s and marriage counseling involves a compassionate and therapeutic process facilitated by a trained Marriage and Family therapist. Within a safe and confidential environment, the therapist guides couples through a collaborative journey of exploration and healing.

Areas of Treatment

Helping individuals reduce and manage distressing symptoms of anxiety, providing tools to cope with stress and worry.

Providing support and strategies for individuals with BPD symptoms to regulate emotions, improve relationships, and develop a more stable sense of self.

Offering emotional support and coping strategies for dealing with chronic health conditions, helping you to achieve a better quality of life.

Helping individuals recognize and break unhealthy patterns of codependency, while fostering healthier relationships and self-reliance.

We provide essential coping skills for handling life’s challenges, including tools such as cognitive-behavioral, emotional regulation, problem-solving, communication, and social skills.

We help you address the underlying causes of depression, and develop strategies to improve your mood and overall mental health.

Supporting you to navigate the emotional challenges of divorce, helping you to cope, communicate, and transition to post-divorce life.

Helping families improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build healthier relationships.

We provide a safe space to process grief and loss, giving you the opportunity to heal and move forward.

Assisting individuals and couples in coping with the emotional toll of infertility, providing support during fertility treatments and decision-making.

We help couples address trust issues, communication problems, and emotional healing following infidelity, in an effort to rebuild their relationship or make informed decisions.

Supporting you to navigate adjustments such as graduation, a breakup, career shift, relocation, etc., helping you to adapt and find new meaning.

Improving relationship dynamics by addressing communication issues, conflict resolution, and enhancing intimacy for both married and engaged couples.

We provide the highest quality treatment for issues such as depression, bipolar, and other mood-related challenges, promoting stability and wellness.

Offering techniques like Exposure and Response Prevention to help you decrease and manage obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

Addressing personality challenges so that you can develop healthier ways of thinking and reacting, improving relationships with others and enhancing overall well-being.

Supporting mothers and families during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, addressing mental health challenges and providing guidance and support.

Assisting individuals and couples in improving communication, resolving conflicts, and building stronger, more fulfilling interactions and relationships.

Therapy can boost self-esteem and self-worth by addressing negative self-perceptions and helping individuals develop a more positive self-image.

Specialized therapy focuses on improving sexual health, addressing concerns like sexual dysfunction, intimacy issues, and sexual communication.

We can help you explore spiritual beliefs and practices within the therapeutic process, helping individuals understand how their spirituality affects their mental health.

Therapy equips individuals with stress-management and relaxation strategies to build resiliency and better cope with life’s stressors.

We use trauma-focused approaches to help individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences, reducing symptoms of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

We address a range of women-specific concerns, such as reproductive health, gender roles, and societal pressures, to support your identity and emotional well-being.

Therapy from virtually anywhere

Virtual or “teletherapy” provides added flexibility when working with your therapist. This is a unique opportunity for busy professionals and those who prefer the comfort of their home. Skip the commute, and work with us from any location in Virginia.

Teletherapy takes place on our HIPAA compliant video chat platform. Experience the convenience and confidentiality of virtual therapy, empowering you to prioritize your mental health and well-being with peace of mind.

If you prefer to meet in person, we can accommodate you at our office location.

Meet our team of exceptional clinicians

Dedicated to the well-being and personal growth of every client

Megan Barone, PsyD

Ryan Malone, PsyD

Aaliyah Gibbons, PsyD

Charlotte Howson, PsyD

Arianne Anderson, MA

June 5, 2024

How to Practice Self Care

Self-care is all about investing in your health and your peace. It is extremely easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day. It is increasingly more and more important to prioritize taking care of yourself in ways that you find physically, mentally, and emotionally beneficial. […]